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Art Explorers: Printmaking (Grades 3K - 2)

Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM

Location: 127 Sauls St. Lake City, SC

Admission: $5

An exploration of texture and surface using found objects including fabric, natural materials and paper stencils to create an abstract image using monoprint printmaking methods. Activity Objectives: Students will be introduced to the idea of printmaking and producing multiples from a single surface/matrix through the use of Gelli-plates. Students will be first encouraged to touch and feel different fabrics and materials and learn about the difference between actual texture and visual texture and how something they touch can be translated into something they can see. Once students arrange materials onto a stencil, they will roll ink onto a Gelli-plate surface, lay their textures out onto the surface of the inked plate, and then transfer via rubbing the ink from the surface of the Gelli-plate onto a piece of paper. Students will be encouraged to make multiple prints using the same textures with different colored inks and layer multiple colors on top of each other to create a variable edition of prints.

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