Artist: Judy Shreve | Location: Ellijay, GA
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Artist: Judy Shreve | Location: Ellijay, GA
Ellijay, GA
Judy Shreve a storyteller and spent most of her youth thinking she wanted to be a writer, but she found clay and detoured for about twenty years working with clay. When she switched from stoneware clay to earthenware, she started drawing on the clay. She was fascinated. Shreve never knew she could draw.
In college, she studied literature, French and philosophy. She did not have a chance to study art. But she’s glad and actually prefers finding her own path. In her paintings she wants to take you back to that moment when you were a child – when you imagined your world -when everything was magical and delightful.
Every mark she makes is a combination of all her life experiences and all her dreams. Each piece contains a lifetime of aesthetic experience and interest and for her, a successful piece is one that opens your heart and creates a smile.
She can’t imagine not working in her studio every day. It brings a song to her heart that maybe only she can hear, but it is her hope that others can share that song with her through my art.