Artist: Jacob Z. Wan | Location: Orlando, FL
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Artist: Jacob Z. Wan | Location: Orlando, FL
Orlando, FL
Being Chinese and gay, I explore sexuality, relationship, and balance from personal experience through mixed-media book arts. As a contemporary bookbinder, I craft conceptual books as expressions of emotions, sequences of consciousness, and collections of moments. By experimenting with the materiality of the page, thread, and cover, I deploy personal memories to discover the identity, portray solitude, and celebrate the importance of oneself.
Jacob Z. Wan is a contemporary bookbinder who creates mixed-media conceptual books to celebrate the importance of oneself. He has received his BFA and MFA from the University of Central Florida, and he has exhibited in Florida, Illinois, Germany, and China. Wan moved to the USA from China in 2014 and currently resides in Orlando, FL.
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