Artist: Ryann Carey | Location: Hillsborough, NC
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Artist: Ryann Carey | Location: Hillsborough, NC
Hillsborough, NC
Four years ago I painted my first watercolor. I fell in the love with the fluidity of the colors I could produce, colors that I could not necessarily give a precise name to. I am enamored with the challenges that come with watercolor as a medium. Watercolor is less forgiving, but this frees me from getting caught up my desire for perfection.
Most of my work is representational. I don't have a chosen subject matter but I spend a lot of my free time outdoors so that is where I find most of my inspiration. I strive to capturethe nuances that our eyes pass over. The colors in the shadows, reflections, the clouds. I want to share what I discover from the close observation painting requires. I am captivated by the of all of the color that are seen by the eye but all blurred together until you go to paint it. Painting creates a new relationship for me with the subject matter, one I hope to share with my audience, with the ultimate objective to bring them into that moment or space.
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