Artist: Nina Kawar | Location: Asheville, NC
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Artist: Nina Kawar | Location: Asheville, NC
Asheville, NC
Nina Kawar is a sculptor whose creative practice explores and aims to push the boundaries of porcelain through the process of carving and delicate forms. The elusive and often fragile sculptures derive from an intrigue with the human condition and healing. Many of her influences stem from psychology, biology, and spirituality.
Born and raised in a Palestinian-American home in Wisconsin, Nina's sculptural work explores her multicultural lens that parallels her curiosity for patterns, perspectives and consciousness. She started her artistic journey in 2005 at San Diego Community College and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in 3D Design in 2011. Finding her passion for porcelain at Clemson University, she received a Masters of Fine Arts in Ceramics in 2014. Currently residing in the Appalachian Mountains, she has established a studio practice in the historical Marshall High Studios in Marshall, NC.
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