Artist: Jordan Carpenter | Location: Memphis, TN
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Artist: Jordan Carpenter | Location: Memphis, TN
Memphis, TN
Jordan Carpenter was Born August 20th, 1998. He was born and raised in Manassas, VA and now resides in Memphis TN. He began pursuing art before the age of 10 with cartoon and caricature pieces. With time his love for art grew and by high school he was enrolled in his school's art program. By the age of 15, Jordan's caricatures became portraits of realism and it is with that, that he decided to pursue art professionally. During his high school years Jordan was featured in multiple galleries and various art competitions which only made his love and passion for artwork grow. Now at age 24, Jordan continues to push his talents to new heights with his concepts and attention to detail. Jordan’s art work has been featured in numerous galleries across the U.S. and currently has two pieces in the African American museum of Dallas.
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