Artist: Coleman | Location: Charlotte, NC
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Artist: Coleman | Location: Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
I am Coleman Ban, a 26 year-old, self-taught artist born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I like to imagine inspiration as an alternate dimension. An intergalactic chasm of sculptures, paintings, and songs waiting to be manifested in the physical world by an earthly artist. However, it’s hard to be creative. For most, it isn’t natural. The conduit through which inspiration is dispatched to the brain is earned. Hours spent hunkered and toiling thin the between. For me, art is a means of discovering self. Meaning is found in mulling. As an idea festers, it reveals more about the inspiration’s identity. As it takes on more umph, it is important to examine why it takes on what it does. The mind warps an idea like an old memory, protectively editing and superimposing so that it may sit more comfortably in its owner’s head. Similarly, inspiration is perverted by the mind. A person can’t help but contort an idea with their mind’s most intimate inner-workings.