Artist: Lakelyn Phillips | Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Underlying Fear

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Artist: Lakelyn Phillips | Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach, SC
My name is Lakelyn Phillips and I am an aspiring artist from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. In my 16 years of life, I have always loved to create. I have enjoyed every second of art; from the moment I could scribble on walls as a toddler to entering professional pieces into museums, each piece I have created has brought me nothing but joy. I have been able to further my artistic abilities at AAST as I am surrounded by supportive, intelligent peers that encourage and challenge me daily. Additionally, I am creating timeless memories with said peers and teachers. The resources provided to me have inspired my creativity exponentially, I have been able to experiment with vast mediums such as charcoal, gouache, wire, acrylic paint: all broadening my skills and knowledge of art. Throughout the art courses I have taken at AAST, I have learned critical factors of art that constantly follow me and my art. I do not only create for myself but others as well, my main goal is to enlighten and execute thought-provoking ideas in my pieces while simultaneously inspiring fellow artists. As I continue to grow and improve, my only hope is to dive deeper into my passions and grasp concepts that truly fascinate me in order to have a fulfilling and successful artistic career.