ArtFields | Celebrate Southern Art | Lake City, SC
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Your Vote Counts!

To place your vote for the People's Choice 2D and 3D Awards, valued at $12,500 each - please login to your account. You may vote for as many pieces as you like, but please vote only once per piece, please.

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Living, breathing proof of the power of art.

ArtFields is a community arts non profit located in Lake City, South Carolina. We were founded in 2013 with a mission to celebrate Southern art and revitalize our small town through the arts. Our flagship event, ArtFields, turns the town into a gallery as local businesses display hundreds of artworks and artists compete for $100,000 in prizes. During the year, our three galleries feature rotating exhibitions to not only provide a place for artists to showcase their work, but also to create access to the arts for an underserved area. A robust public art collection and art education for South Carolina youth finish off our ever-growing art based programs.

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