Artist: Aria Thomas | Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
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Artist: Aria Thomas | Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach, SC
My name is Aria Thomas, and I am a young artist who is in the middle of creating a 3D AP portfolio. I am a junior in high school, and I am working my hardest towards making it to college. A lot of people warn you about your junior year, about how hard the work gets, how much work there is, and the obvious, college applications. A year ago, I couldn't even begin to think about college, and as this year continues, it keeps getting more apparent that I am eventually going to have to continue and start my own life. My works I have done this year and years past reflect my fears, hopes, and expectations I have for my future, and I hope in some way my work helps others see a different side to how their life can be for them.