Artist: Witzel Art | Location: Ridgeville, SC
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Artist: Witzel Art | Location: Ridgeville, SC
Ridgeville, SC
Take a South Carolina boy growing up in a rural community, give him a fishingpole and pencil, and thus begins the story of Witzel. Creative all his life, Witzel'sartistic reach started with pencil drawings of his favorite comic characters in gradeschool. Outside of school, his childhood involved adventures along the SouthCarolina rivers and woods. Add in adventures in the Caribbean as an adult,working as a treasure-hunting scuba diver, which introduced a whole new set ofcolors,creatures and beauty for which to inspire. Put all together, we end up withtheSouthern gentleman known as Witzel. Witzel is a self-taught artist who usesoils oncanvas to create contemporary representational art focusing on the themesof theLowcountry and South, mixed with the hues and vibrancy of the waters andreefsof the Caribbean. A true Southern story-teller, his artwork is compelling,telling astory on the canvas meant to challenge the viewer to see the subject in anew light.
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