Artist: Cody Mathews | Location: Charleston, SC
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Artist: Cody Mathews | Location: Charleston, SC
Charleston, SC
Growing up with the beach as part of a family experience, a pursuit of surfing felt natural. I always wanted to marry intrigue in photography with a love of surfing. In my early years, I became obsessed with photographs of professional surfers in tropical locals that littered surf magazines. The idea of inserting yourself into a perfect reef pass became a series of recurring dreams. Following my move to the Low Country in 2019, I took a dive into water photography in pursuit of new angles and views. Focusing on silhouettes and shadows allows me to take out the names and faces associated with professional surfing and allows the viewer to imagine themselves, or anyone, in the moment. This allows me to create images driven by my goal consistently and show off the beauty of Charleston. Using the natural palette of Charleston, I work to isolate surfers and create scenes that strip away everything but the act itself.
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