Artist: Malik Greene | Location: Columbia, SC
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Artist: Malik Greene | Location: Columbia, SC
Columbia, SC
Malik Greene (b. July 8, 1997) stands in the center of his psyche, creating to venerate his filial epic. Greene has always been a vessel for wisdom and knowledge passed down to him from his predecessors, using this inherited sagacity to tell the story of his shared experiences with those surrounding him. Greene is a Columbia, South Carolina-based artist who began creating professionally after graduating from Coastal Carolina University with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. The practice of Malik Greene is primarily self-taught, and mediums such as manga and fashion design have helped the artist develop his unique art style. His education has allowed him to uncover his truth through his creativity, desiring to capture an intimate personal narrative, relating himself to historical, political, and popular culture. The work of Malik Greene tells the story of his life, his desires, and the subtle nuances that may affect how he receives the world.
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