“My inner demons are dark and vast,
Some live in the present, some in the past.
You can only hide them for so long,
But they always peek their head,
From the trapped doors in my memories,
Through the closed doors in my mind,
Between the cracks in my broken heart,
Hiding in the dark alley's of my soul.
Sooner or later these demons will gain control,
Whenever, they see weakness from within your soul.
These demons will test you at every turn,
Wishing you to welcome them, Damning you to burn.
Don't say anything and just look away,
Block out their voices, only then,
Can you start to make the right choices.”
Jerred Coleman
This piece is an attempt to illustrate what many people struggle with everyday: putting on a mask of being happy and alright, but constantly fighting against inner demons and painful memories, trying not to let others in and letting them see the pain you struggle with. It’s an attempt to illustrate that many people carry things that they never want others to see, so they just throw up a persona, a mask, hiding their true self. It’s to illustrate that, no matter how close you may be, the people you know will always have some sort of inner demon they are hiding, and some sort of persona around you.
The reason I used the poem above is due to the fact it illustrates in a literary way what I am attempting to convey with this piece. It’s used so you can better understand why the piece is the way it is, and to help describe better what an inner demon is. I felt that the poem fit my theme perfectly, and that it could help you better imagine what might be going on in the mind of the person depicted in the drawing.