Artist: Bella Bishara | Location: Simpsonville, SC
why do i draw?

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Artist: Bella Bishara | Location: Simpsonville, SC
Simpsonville, SC
My name is Bella Bishara. I am an Egyptian artist who currently lives in Greenville, SC. My artwork ranges broadly in content, style, and medium. However throughout all of my work, I focus on themes of identity, philosophy, and general experimentation. I currently attend a boarding school for visual arts and am in my senior year. I plan to go to college for art, specifically game art, and dream of working as an illustrator/animator. I hope to continue my fine art practices alongside this, as I am equally as passionate for drawing and painting. In my (limited) spare time, I enjoy music, playing guitar, crocheting, and making videos. I also love fashion and subculture, which parallels my music taste.