Artist: Wendy van Boxtel | Location: Mechancsville, VA
You be YOU

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Artist: Wendy van Boxtel | Location: Mechancsville, VA
Mechancsville, VA
Born and raised in the Netherlands, but immigrated to the USA at age 21, leaving my entire family behind. At the age of ten I received amazing art lessons from a traditional Dutch artist, Harry Hermers. For six years Mr. Hermers enriched my abilities and knowledge using a historical art style of teaching. Mr. Hermers was my biggest art influence, and I'm forever grateful for the foundation that he laid in me. At the age of 21 I immigrated to the USA, married and we had 4 biological children. We were passionate about giving another child a family, so we adopted our youngest daughter. Today we are a family of seven and as our children are getting older and attend school, I have decided its time to pick up my passion of art again. For years I have sketched hundreds of concepts, then finally was able to realize what was in my mind. For the past 2 years I have worked very hard, executed works that make people stop, stare and talk. It is my biggest pleasure to watch people question their eyes.
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