Artist: Jan-ru Wan | Location: Chapel Hill, NC
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Artist: Jan-ru Wan | Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Chapel Hill, NC
Jan-Ru Wan is an American artist-educator who was born in Taipei,Taiwan. Wan received her BFA from The Art Institute of Chicago and her MFA University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. She retired from NC State University to pursue full time artist and raise her daughter ten years ago.
Wan has participated in numerous solo exhibitions and invitational group exhibitions and resideny, both national and international that included First ìYango'' Biennale (Kinshasa, DR Congo Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan, International Fiber Art Biennale, Hueman Art Museum, China, Mint Museum, NC. Wan's work has been featured in the Surface Design Magazine, Sculpture Magazine, and the National Art Education Association Anthology: Globalization, Art, and Education. UShe is recipient of North Carolina Visual Art Fellowship. Recently, Wan was awarded the Women's Studio Workshop Grant (2023) and 2023 Sustainable Arts Foundation Awardees.
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