Artist: Karol Garcia | Location: Immokalee, FL
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Artist: Karol Garcia | Location: Immokalee, FL
Immokalee, FL
A Rural Artist with a Passion for Figure and Portraiture
As a resident of a rural community, I am captivated by painting people. It doesn't matter if they're in motion, standing still, or from a different era - it's my favorite subject to paint. Although I occasionally experiment with painting flowers, my passion lies in perfecting my figure painting technique. With a dressmaking background, I often feature clothed female figures in my art.
Despite having no formal arts education, I've learned through books, videos, and other artists whom I've met via social media or art shows. My grandmother, Barbie, was my primary influence.
She was both a painter and a dressmaker, and showed me at a young age that I had the power to bring my thoughts to life with my own hands. I am grateful for her guidance and inspiration.
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