Artist: Adelaide Clark | Location: Cornelius, NC

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Artist: Adelaide Clark | Location: Cornelius, NC
Cornelius, NC
My full name is Mary Adelaide Clark (but I've always gone by Adelaide or Addie.) My art is a result of my exploration of colors and patterns, which I credit to being a God-given gift to share. Whether it be painting, digital media, mixed media, collage, or photography I aspire to create beautiful, interesting work that speaks uniquely to everyone. I think art plays such an important role in community as it brings out perspectives that otherwise may have gone unnoticed. One of my favorite quotes is "if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." So, I love to hear the various connections people tie to my pieces and how they bring significance in different ways. Often times I'll get responses that the viewer had thought was an almost too obvious parallel, but one that had not been considered or commented on before. It brings me joy to intercept those thoughts and explain that nobody had seen that yet, until them.
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