Artist: Mark E. Miltz | Location: Virginia Beach, VA
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Artist: Mark E. Miltz | Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Virginia Beach, VA
Mark Miltz, a native of Virginia, has been producing and selling paintings since 1974. He is a commercial artist and educator in addition to making fine art and has spent the last 42 years as a commercial artist and illustrator. Mark graduated with a BA in Fine Art from Old Dominion University in 1979, and in 2002 completed an MA (with distinction) from Kent Institute of Art and Design in Canterbury, England.
By 2000, he had returned to his first love, representational painting and drawing from life. Concentrating on the figure, he brings to his work a high level of draftsmanship, combined with an appreciation for the abstract qualities of the paint itself. Miltz attacks his subjects with energetic paint, powerful composition, and a strong sense of light. Yet this energy is tempered with profound respect for the great tradition of Western figure painting. Though modern in concept, the work pays homage to the masters of the past.
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