Artist: Leslie Wentzell | Location: Anderson, SC
Rumors Gather Like Crows

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Artist: Leslie Wentzell | Location: Anderson, SC
Anderson, SC
The yearning to be an artist was always there, but not until my children were in high school did I begin my journey. Evening classes at a local art museum led to enrolling at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. Drawn to the sculptural use of clay, I earned a degree in art with a ceramics concentration.
I relocated to a small town in the Florida panhandle, in 2005, & opened a business, The Artery, a pottery & art studio with a small gallery where I taught classes for adults & children. I loved teaching but there was little time to make my own art. After Hurricane Michael followed by Covid I closed the doors, said good-by to students & friends, and found a new home in Anderson, South Carolina. I have a wonderful studio space at my home and, freed from the demands of owning a business, I am gardening again, with time to indulge my love of books. My surroundings plus my mental & emotional freedom have renewed my creative spirit. I feel satisfied & expressive when my hands are in clay.
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