Artist: Shelton Cochran | Location: Marietta, GA

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Artist: Shelton Cochran | Location: Marietta, GA
Marietta, GA
Known to say he's living proof that God has a strange sense of humor, emerging mixed-media artist, Shelton Cochran discovered his artistic talent while he was in his most vulnerable state. Hospitalized with Rheumatic Fever at the age of 12, bedridden and unable to walk, he discovered he could draw by copying the pictures from a coloring book his mother had given him. After he was released from the hospital Shelton still had trouble walking, so he carved himself a walking stick. These God given abilities would become the basis of his artistic style.
Shelton would go on to earn a BFA in Graphic Design and combine his natural abilities with his graphic design training. A visual storyteller, he calls his artistic style ìmodern folk art,î blending traditional folk art subject matter, materials, and tools with modern technology. The majority of his works have a relief woodcarving base, ìpaintedî with different materials. Shelton also creates unique assemblages, built from found items.
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