Artist: Peter T. Secker | Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
ForGoT10 #3 in a series

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Artist: Peter T. Secker | Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach, SC
Peter T. Secker was born in northwestern part of Illinois and attended college at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. He majored in Illustration and Design and enjoyed an enriched career as a commercial artist working in the metropolitan Chicago area. He later operated and managed his own business and worked with customers nationwide. He moved to Myrlte Beach in 2012 and has since retired from commercial art. He now focuses his passions and efforts as a fine artist. In 2022 he won an honorable mention in the Seacoast Artist Guild Fall Show Competition. And won Best of Show in the 2023 Spring Show Competition. You may view his exhibit at the Seacoast Artist Gallery or visit his website,
Artist Website