October 1, 2024
Hurricane Helene: Artist Resources

“Pink Slip Fashioned Flag (for Lake City)” by Nick Satinover on display during the 2024 Competition & Festival.
The ArtFields team has those in our Southeast region that have been impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene in our thoughts.
We are offering all artists in an affected area a fee waiver if they are interested in submitted artwork to the 2025 Competition & Festival. We realize that submitting artwork is probably last on these artists’ minds as they are still without power and other necessities, but it is one small way that we can support them. If you’re interested in this waiver, please log in and complete your entry via ArtBooth. When you reach the payment page, email [email protected] with the subject line “2025 Competition Fee Waiver Inquiry” so we can apply a fee waiver to your submission account. In the email, please be sure to include the artist name and artwork title. If your circumstances do not allow you to apply by the November 1st deadline, please email us prior to November 1st to discuss your situation.
While the emergency relief efforts continue, we’re sharing these helpful resources that were recently compiled by the South Carolina Arts Commission and emailed out on September 30th:
As of Sunday, Sept. 29, the federal government approved Gov. McMaster’s request for a major disaster declaration in South Carolina as we assess damages and begin recovery from Hurricane Helene.
At this time, the declaration includes the following counties: Aiken, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, and Spartanburg.
The SCAC is committed to connecting #SCArtists and arts organizations with resources that are offering recovery assistance, federal and otherwise. This situation is evolving rapidly, and we will work hard to provide timely information.
FEMA is asking all arts organizations and artists (regardless of your county) to fill out the Rapid Damage Assessment Form that applies to you to report damage and identify unmet needs.
The following assistance resources are available at this time.
Limited to previously mentioned counties. We will work to keep you informed of additional categories and counties as they get added.
- Public assistance is currently only available for Category A (debris removal) and Category B (emergency protective measures, including direct technical assistance. Learn more about Public Assistance: Categories A and B.
- Individual assistance is available to individuals and households. FEMA’s Individual Assistance program was expanded to include quicker access to needed funds including simplifying assistance for self-employed individuals such as self-employed artists and entrepreneurs.
We received word today that the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response will soon begin to hold response calls for artists and arts organizations. These sessions provide a platform for affected individuals to connect, openly discuss their status and urgent needs, and engage in meaningful conversations with experienced NCAPER representatives who have faced similar situations. During the calls, they listen to needs and help identify available resources and provide well-informed recommendations for individuals and communities navigating the complex path of disaster recovery.
Emergency grants
- The Hub posted last week about medical and financial emergency grants for artists from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation/New York Foundation for the Arts. (Open to all U.S. artists creating in the visual arts, film/video/electronic/digital arts, or choreography).
- Emergency aid from Artists’ Fellowship.
- Emergency aid from the Gottlieb Foundation.
- Emergency aid for craft artists from CERF+.
As always, you are encouraged to check out the SCAC’s Emergency Preparedness page, where you will find these and other resources curated by our team.