Artist: Lily McBrayer | Location: Hartsville, SC
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Artist: Lily McBrayer | Location: Hartsville, SC
Hartsville, SC
I am a senior at Mayo High School for MST. I have had a passion for art for as long as I've been able to hold a crayon. I plan to spend my future creating and selling my art around the world. My family heritage is full of artists, so I like to believe its my destiny. My great grandfather, Pete Turner, was an oil painter. I remember riding to the beach one night, me and my dad pulled over at a gas station to use the restroom. My grandads art was hanging in the little store. That day changed my life. I realized I have every opportunity that my grandpa had. His daughter, my GiGi, is a watercolor artist. She's taught me everything I know. I am so thankful for the influence of art in my life. I am excited for my future and to see what difference I make on the world.