Artist: Sha'Kevia Cromer | Location: Prosperity, SC
Room in Depth

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Artist: Sha'Kevia Cromer | Location: Prosperity, SC
Prosperity, SC
I'm Sha'Kevia I am 18 years old, and this my digital art portfolio. I'm from South Carolina where I have participated in art at Mid-Carolina High School for 3 years. I plan in taking art thought out my whole high school years at Mid-Carolina High School. Most of my personal drawings are observational drawings, cartoon characters, and animated drawings. As I started to understand art more I began to see the world as a world full of divergent drawings. This contribute to my drawing technique. While drawing is my favorite media of art I been practicing other media of art, such as painting and mixed media etc. This portfolio is to simply collect all my artwork form Art 1 up into Art 4, as I participate in art until I graduate.