Artist: Phillip Loken | Location: Mebane, NC
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Artist: Phillip Loken | Location: Mebane, NC
Mebane, NC
Currently based in Mebane and Raleigh, North Carolina, Phillip ìKing Phillî Loken was born in Texas and has lived in various cities and towns across North Carolina since the age of four. His photography is intimately tied to his lived experiences as a Black man in the American South. He wants to capture the rich history and vibrant cultural expressions that influence his subjects' lives.
Loken's work has been exhibited nationally. As a professional photographer, Loken has worked with a variety of organizations and companies, including the City of Raleigh, CreativeMornings, the North Carolina Museum of Art, Special Olympics North Carolina, Verizon, Walter Magazine, and Woodforest National Bank.
Artist Website