Artist: ANNAGRAM | Location: Greenville, SC

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Artist: ANNAGRAM | Location: Greenville, SC
Greenville, SC
Anna Huff is multimedia artist with a background in furniture making. She earned a BFA in Interdisciplinary Sculpture at MICA and currently works at the Metropolitan Arts Council in Greenville, SC. Her work is led through ideas and not materials, as she implements a sense of sympathy, craftsmanship, experimentation, and openness to collaboration in every new project.
Anna Bowman is a theatre artist and playwright. She earned her BA in Theatre Arts and English, Writing at Furman University and is the Education Associate at the SC Children's Theatre in Greenville, SC. She is inspired by the humanity of clowning and studies how Commedia dell'Arte is at the center of most modern comedic characters. At her core, she is storyteller, and wants to nurture connection as an actor, writer, and teaching artist.
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