Artist: Delaney MeSun Shin | Location: Florence, SC
Saekdong Ogansaek: Cut From the Same Cloths
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Artist: Delaney MeSun Shin | Location: Florence, SC
Florence, SC
Delaney MeSun Shin is an interdisciplinary artist. Her work explores her layered identity rooted in being biracial, working in scientific microbiology, culture, and biracialness. Born and raised up in Minnesota, much of her visual inspiration is often rooted in the natural and microscopic sciences as she explores her layered identity as a biracial individual.
Taught in two-dimensional studies, she works with paper, challenging viewers to look beyond normal usage. Her work has flowed from drawings, paintings, printmaking, and sculptural practices.
Delaney received her MFA at Bowling Green State University, with a concentration in two-dimensional studies and an emphasis on painting. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, with a concentration in drawing and an art history minor. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Francis Marion University, teaching 2D Design and Figure Drawing courses.
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