May 24, 2021
Art Galleries in Lake City

Lake City’s art scene was kicked off with ArtFields, a nine-day art event that celebrates Southeastern artists and turns the entire town into an art gallery by displaying work in downtown businesses. But what about the other days of the year? What’s going on for art lovers and other visitors? In addition to a robust public art program, the ArtFields Collective manages 3 professional galleries to offer access to the arts for an underserved area, as well as an additional platform for artists to share their stories. All galleries are open Tuesday-Saturday from 11AM-5PM while exhibitions are up. Admission is free.
Crossroads Gallery | 124 W Main Street
Crossroads Gallery is the home to our beloved winners. Each year at ArtFields, the top four purchase prize winners (Grand Prize: $50,000, Second Place: $25,000, People’s Choice 2D, $12,500, and People’s Choice 3D, $12,500) become part of the permanent collection that is displayed on a rotational basis. Click here to read more about the gallery and the artwork that is currently being shown.
Jones-Carter Gallery | 105 Henry Street
A former feed and seed store, this space now holds rotating exhibitions throughout the year. Click here to learn about our current exhibition in this space!
TRAX Visual Art Center | 122 Sauls Street
TRAX Visual Art Center, or TRAXvac, instantly became one of South Carolina’s largest art centers when it opened in 2018 for ArtFields. This gallery boasts 5,000 square feet of gallery space and an outdoor sculpture garden. Click here to check out the current exhibition!